Monday, October 1, 2012

Change is harrrrrrrd.

Who likes change? I mean REALLY likes it? Okay, I get how change can be for the better, and can make you happier in the long run; but while it's happening, change gets two thumbs down in my book. It is sooooo hard. I have had a lot of changes within the past few months; within the past while actually. Marriage, moving twice (coast to coast), starting a new business WITH my hubby (tough on the romance), new faces, new people, new responsibilities; you get the picture. It's sad to say, but I've had a bad attitude about life lately. I'm not satisfied with the me I am right now. I realize that I can't keep placing the blame on these changes anymore. I've got to.... here's that word again... CHANGE myself. Yipes! It's not going to be easy folks, it's just not. I've compiled a list of goals for me, and for anyone else struggling with this. These goals are going to help push us up the hill of change, slide down to the other side, and land in a place called "contentment".

  • Be kind to yourself. Push out those negative thoughts that tell you you're not good enough. You deserve happiness. Stand up to the bully in your own mind.
  • Be passionate. Find something you love to do. Don't be afraid to try new things, failure does not exist in your mind anymore.
  • Don't wait for others to make you happy. It is not the job of a husband, wife, friend, parent, sibling, or pet to make you happy, it's yours.
  • Go for a run, jog, or walk. You won't regret it, I promise. Push yourself a little; make yourself proud.
  • Let go of the past. Not only the bad, but the good too. Don't get lost in yesteryear. Cherish sweet memories, but don't wish to go back. Instead, plan to make memories today, and choose to be happy.
  • Last of all: fake it til you make it. Change is hard, it takes time. It will not happen right away, so smile when you feel like crying, laugh at your mistakes, and keep pushing forward.
Ready.... set...... GO!